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Peekadeek, Colorado

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What     is     this?

A while ago, I wanted to write a novel. I had written one already, so I figured it wouldn't take too much effort, but I was tired and I didn't have any good ideas. Then, I had a great idea. What if there was a novel, I thought, that was written by multiple people, not just one person, so it would have multiple viewpoints and bizarre characters? It would be a novel for everybody. Everybodysnovel. Would it come out looking like a big hunk of garbage, or a masterful collage? It would definitely be strange, but it would be read by lots of people, because novelty books really sell these days. That would be fun, I thought. So I made this site, where you can submit absolutely anything to me, as part of a massive tome. I hope it will have even more words than War and Peace. I'll copy and paste all the parts, then create a huge document, with an incoherent plot and constantly shifting perspectives. It will take a while to gather up, so be patient. I want this to be a nice, long read. Essentially, it's like that childhood game where each player gives a different part of the same story, but taken to a new level. When this novel is complete, it will, surely, be the most bizarre thing ever written. It will be a pipe dream and a journey through insanity. So go ahead. Write whatever you want. It can be long, it can be short. It can have big aliens, little aliens. It can be mundane, or exciting, it can have wonderful grammar, or horrible grammar. It can be smart, or stupid. Hell, you can even put in more than one entry. Just not two in a row. Please, though, whatever you do, connect your part to the part before it in some way. You could add a poem or something, a little spice every now and then, but not gobbeledygook or anything. I won't enforce any rules on you, this is an experiment on the human psyche. Anyway, aside from that, it's open for you to say whatever you want. Tell your friends to add in, they might come up with something interesting. Below, at the very beginning of all this, on what will probably be the first page of the book, is my submission, wonderfully bizarre and free for you to twist around. Have fun!


P.S. I might add in from time to time, also.

The third contributor to this thing just did a big, long list of derogatory sexual insults. You're sick in the head, sir. I didn't even know there were that many repulsive things you could say. I am appalled. Well, that just shows how far you're trying to push me. I'm not going to be pushed. 

Contributor 6 chose a particularly profane and disgusting username, and did nothing to help the story along at all. I want something interesting for this novel. You can do better.

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